November 01, 2005

Vitam gloriam amamus | Permalink
Hello again.
Tomorrow we're having the day off, due to a very old, prehispanic tradition.
Día de muertos, or Day of the dead.
In the beggining, after New Spain had been founded and its "naturals" or "indigenous people" were experiencing evangelism. The newcomers brought us their knoledge, language and beliefs, yet our ancestors mixed such with their own to create a religous sincretism, the mixture of both civilizations into one.
Naturals were very fond of their dead ancestors, and we still are. Death, especially in battle or in a religuous sacrifice, was an honour. When people died, they entered the underworld, packed with different levels of challenges which vary from crossing an enormous river with a dog to surviving furious sharp obsidian knifes flying in a storm. They where really hard challenges, and souls became tired and thirsty. People up here set up special altars with cempazuchitl flowers, pan de muerto and many other meals the deceased enjoyed while alive. On that day, the dead rise from the underworld and inhale the scents emitted from those meals, to recover from hunger, thirst and injuries.

When the newcomers evangelized New Spain, such celebrations to the dead recieved a cristian aspect, such as a cross. That is how we know it as it is.

The dead rise and come to our homes to recieve warmth from the living. It is a medium to connect us with those we loved and we keep in our hearts. It is a special form of expression, love never ends. I have met people which died, and it is strange to think that they will come to my home and to share what we still have, humanity. Physical and psycological barriers become extinguished, and the AT Field diminishes too. You begin to observe life as a miracle, as something brief but wonderful, you begin to understand life's impermanence.

Life is short, as some may say. When you understand life's impermanence, you become more aware of yourself, and others, and the world. You begin to observe life as one, as a special attribute handed over to you by God. That attribute is yourself, and because we are all sons of God, we are God too. We can create realities and diferent worlds because of our powerful will, heart and mind. We can change our decaying present to a peaceful future, yet we must set our thoughts, feelings and heart towards such objective. We can change the world, as we change its reality.

I must say goodbye, I must. It is time to enter a new day, a new chance to change the world.


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