August 20, 2005

Multimedia Player BRAVOMATCH | Permalink

Well, here it is. I finally eliminated the bug on the player.

Multimedia Player BRAVOMATCH is currently in BETA. So, please tell me if you encounter any problems due to the player.

El reproductor de multimedia puede reproducir MP3 y wav, pero creo que puede reproducir otros archivos, así que pruébenlo.

Las instrucciones son muy simples, no son de mucha dificultad. Pero si no pudiesen usarlo por alguna complicación, díganme, para que repare el bug.

There it is, use it and hear music while you hear. I hope I don't run into trouble by using it in the blog.


Blogger A. Bravo Van Treek said...

Hello I'm the original developer of Bravomatch Javascript mediaplayer
When i was see in you post a reference to it i become so exicted. I was start to develop in 2001 and leave it in 2003. Now 9 years later still is in the web.

7:41 am  

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