July 26, 2005

Palookaville, Fatboy Slim | Permalink
I just bought this disc after looking through 2 record shops of the same company, but in different areas of the city.

Palookaville, a record by Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook), sold aproximately last year by Sony Music Europe. It contains 12 tracks, from the savage mix Slash dot dash, to the hip hop style track The Joker. I listened to it the same day I bought it, and can't get it out of my head.

The small document inside the album looks like some sort of art collection, very colorful, yet piled up with naked people.

The rythm isn't very much what matters in the record, not even what the theme of the track is about, it is much more valuable what pops up and reflects in your mind as you listen to it. The bass and the jiggly percussion beats, along with a repetitive voice or sound track, with other baroque-like characteristics (it is not baroque at all), and all the SFX that is played, make the track a breakthrough for Norman Cook.

There is something new about this track, Norman used a bass guitar in his tracks, something he never did before, for the samples used in his previous. He wrote his songs and mastered them before 2004 ended. He even took some samples from some songs from other artists, such as 5 Man Electric Band, Shel Silverstein, John and Beverly Martyn and Olatunji. Palookaville also includes tracks sung by Lateef, such as Wonderful Night and The Journey. The Journey is probably the first rap track in a 3/4 beat.

There are a few videos on Yahoo Music Videos but there are new videos with different endings but of the same theme. Don't let the man, quite a great track if you have sufficient temper to listen to it and enjoy it. Maybe you won't because it's the same thing heard throughout the track: . . . And the sign said: "Long haired freaking people need not apply". And the sing said: "Long haired freaking people need not apply" . . . It's quite repetitive, but it then shifts into a house-like sequence and then it restarts, back to the beggining: . . . And the sign said: "Long haired freaking people need not apply". And the sing said: "Long haired freaking people need not apply" . . . I've seen the video a few times, I laughed the first time I saw it, but not anymore, yet I still like it.

Login into www.fatboyslim.net to watch those new videos and read the concert / event schedule, and some other news and stuff. Plug in and enjoy.


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