August 18, 2005

Digital Photography | Permalink

This is dedicated to those NGE fans (que lamentablemente son pocos los que conosco), those crazy otakus or neon evangelists. Tomé la idea de un poster en la casa de unos familiares.

Perdónenme si esto les molesta, sólo díganmelo y lo quitaré. Ok? With me? Please post a comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just About You: The Profile Page
Just About You: The Profile Page It always amazes me to see that one of my most popular pages here in this site is my 'about' page .
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a cory rudl site. It pretty much covers cory rudl related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

6:07 pm  

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