July 12, 2005

07-11-2005 | Permalink
A lot of persons ask me why I type in english although I know spanish and live in a spanish speaking country. Sincerely, I prefer english, it's my mother's tongue, and probably the first language I learned but I can't say I remember it clearly. I happen to find it more easy than spanish, I don't really know why. Probably because it is more global; spanish, in its sentences, adjectives, verbs and subjects referrs to sex genres, male and female, such as mojado, you refer to something as masculine, or mojada, to something femenine. English happens to be globally, no sexes are distinguishable in its adjectives and the number of subjects in a sentence can't be recognized with the verb or with an adjective, unlike spanish. But I use them both frequently, I live in a spanish speaking country, I use english when I use the internet or when I am at home.
My friends tell me: "You ought to use spanish in your pages" "Why don't you type in spanish?" Well, I find it more fun and some won't understand a thing. I always critisize a very used sentence in spanish, people say "no hay nadie" when there is nobody in a selected area. If you translate the sentence, word by word, the result is "there isn't nobody". So, because there isn't nobody, then there should be somebody. It could be "no hay alguien" but I think it doesn't sound right. "No hay ser alguno" can be another alternative, but it would become rejected by the popular society. It is literally wrong to use "no hay nadie" but it is so commonly used that it has remained like that for many decades, probably centuries, and for many years to come.
So, there you go, quite simple isn't it? I could err on the grammatical aspect of the theme of the article, but I could waste some time from your life. Well, here we go again, another article done, I sometimes feel disturbed to finish an article, I always seem doubtful with my own writing, with the content and the ideas the article portrays and how it portrays to itself as it is being read by you, and how it reflects on the typist, or me. I sometimes have to get the dictionary to look up a word or two, finding the correct word for what I try to say, or type, or in other ways I could possibly transmit a message, a thought or a feeling in the written form of expression. By all means, I try to make this blog the best of all my creations, or between the best. Anyway, I think I must finish this article, for I am going broadband!! Then I'll have to review all the basics of our internet usage and update our unexistent but used terms of use of the internet in our home. We ought to use anti-spyware programs and other stuff. I think spyware and spam should be extinguish, like a bug, they are useless and bothersome!!!! They should disappear and let us be trouble free!!!!


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