August 06, 2005

August 6th, 2005 | Permalink
Our vacations are almost over, I was bored already (except when I went somewhere else). Yet, I had a nice time, I worked out and elevated some of my muscle fiber (which was before bizarre (I had big muscles but never made excercise (and was very weak too))), read some wonderful books (view previous posts), began my woodworking project (COMING SOON) and made some archivements in Tibia and my computer stability/health and the internet connections. But I still have a LOT of trouble with the SPAM and adware stuff (they just don't get away!! (it is just broadband!)).

Well, soon I will take up 10 driving lessons of an hour each. I hope it works. I was told by many people that those driving lessons where useless, that you couldn't learn anything. Well, that's what they are for: they exist to teach us how to drive PROPERLY and under the LAW, and also POLITELY, because of almost all the drivers in the city I live in are desastrous (yet they still prevent killing someone) and reckless. When I went to Mexico City to attend some personal affairs I felt as if I where in a NASCAR race. That's why people who drive bad are caled chilangos. Chilangos is used to name those who live or where born in Mexico City. But, because some are dangerous, chilango is used towards a bad driver. Now, I heard, all those mexicans born in Mexico City are also called Defeños, but it may also be Defequeños, in a rude way. Yeah, I am a defequeño, and I am lucky I don't live there anymore.

While I play Tibia, I might as well get bored because it is sooo silent. There is no sound in Tibia! So, to suppress boredom I listen to any music nearby, and because I went broad, I listen to my favorite internet radio station: Radioio AMBIENT. I open my Windows Media player and listen to it. It is so great that I have filled many pieces of paper with the songs and artists that I super enjoy! There are increadible tracks! I want to buy them all!! Dig into their music!! It's awesome!!! Let me marry Forest!

Oh, soorry, something common when I listen to music I enjoy too much. Like Phutureprimitive. Anyone seen or heard the album down here in México? Or Swayzak? I only saw 1 single Swayzak disc over there in Mexico City. It wasn't too expensive to be an album from some DJs from UK. Have you ever heard of the song Another Way? It is quite bizarre and different how I got to know Swayzak and Fatboy Slim. I entered an airplane to Dallas and sat next to the window. I sat there for some seconds, then I looked down and observed the armrest of my seat. It was metallic, but it had some type of LCD display with some numbers, but turned off. Then I inspected it and saw a hole in far end of the armrest. It looked small enough to fit an earphone plug, I thought. So I took out my earphones out of my backpack and inserted the plug in. I heard a blast as trumpets, violins and violonchellos played in synchronization. I took the earphones away inmediately. I look at the LCD display again. I saw 2 numbers, one of the station and another one of the volume. I lowered the volume to the second lowest number. I then listened clearly and thought: a radio system? I looked into the magazine pouch in the seat before me. I then took out an AA magazine and skimmed it through. I later discovered it was, in fact, a radio service. There was a station, which I can't remember at the moment, but it was beside the latin music station, with a picture of Fatboy Slim. It's the one I am displaying right in this article, just down there. And I also learned about Swayzak, a UK DJ pair. I heard "Another Way". I also like them, but I have only found one single album of them with my own eyes (I haven't borrowed eyes from others (but there are ways)), went I went to Mexico City (I already said it). The album was entitled "Loops from the Bergerie". It sounds as strange as "Palookaville", doesn't it? I know where to purchase the CD, by internet, and I will buy it as soon as I get some money. Money, it is time to get a job, eh? I haven't thought of it. But I still have some time. How 'bout flippin' burgers? Don't think of it as damnation, think of it as opportunity. Your grandparents thought of it too, why don't you?? Flipping burgers doesn't degrade you, it doesn't kill persons (well, it does, in some ways), it doesn't make you look like an idiot or somebody of low importance. You must be proud of yourself!! Other people's thoughts about your own affairs and matters are unimportant, what is important is your own accreditation and acceptance. Don't let the others let you down, the spirit will pick you up from the ground. That way your self confidence and self esteem will increase and so will the byproducts fo your daily work and efforts. That is the key to success, but I'll still have a lot to talk about to complement the whole miasma of the Key to success.

Don't you let the others cross the moat!! Intercept them and stop them!! Go baby, GO!!

Now it's time, I fear to tell
I've been holding it back so long.
But something strange deep inside
of me is happening, I feel unlike,
I've ever felt
and it's makin' me scared
that I may not be what I (think I am)

What of us, what do I say,
are we both from a different world.
Cos every breath that I take,
I breath it for you
I couldn't face my life without you.
And I'm so afraid.
There's nothing to comfort us
What am I, if I can't be yours.

I don't sleep, don't feel a thing,
and my senses have all but gone,
can't even cry from the pain,
can't shed a tear, now I realise
we're not the same.
And it's makin' me sad
Cos we can't fulfill our dream in the life.

So I must, let us break free,
I can never be what you need.
If there was a way through the hurt,
then I would find it,
I'd take the blows.
Yes, I would fight it.
But this is the one,
Impossible dream to live,
what am I, if I can't be yours.

Thanatos, If I can't be yours. End of Evangelion Soundtrack.


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