July 06, 2005

Another day in the middle of nowhere México | Permalink
Oh, I am terribly bored, I sometimes have to get out of my home and help around just to get away from boredom. Even though I am on vacations, I haven't gone anywhere, not even out of the city. Weather has been the same since weeks, it is never the same, it always changes and moves by. In the morning, the weather seems fine, warm but with an itching sunlight, in the afternoon, the sky gets overpopulated by clouds and the sky falls on us.
"Sadness like water, raining down, raining down."
"Sadness like water, raining down, raining down."
. . .
"Oh, and it's raining, raining again."
"Oh, and it's raining, raining again."
Oh, sorry, I'm am also very fond of Moby, I am deeply fallen in love with his songs in his newest album, "Hotel". I heard it and I felt good inside, which told me that all that money spent was well spent. There is another disc in the album called "AMBIENT", a sort of New Age disc, only that its tracks are made with a synthesizer. Cool, a vitriolic reliever. Good enough to have a good time, well forged to create a contemporary humane ambient anywhere.
If you haven't bought it yet, and are wishing to purchase it, save up a reasonable amount of money from your national currency and purchase it. It is a Copy Controlled disc, probably illegal copies won't be available in a while.
Now, what should I do? I am terribly bored and think I need a bath, perhaps because my face is all filled up with acne and I haven't put on my benzolium peroxide (you ought to buy one, it is a must-have item for any teenager (it works so well)) and because I haven't washed it since yesterday. I also have this disturbing alien colony in my mouth, a kind of fungi I get almost 4 times per year, almost once each season. I have to take it out, srub it out of my mouth, literally, I have to use sodium bicarbonate with my toothpaste and scrape the fungi out, when it hurts too badly or when I bleed too much. But before I use this substance, whose name I can't recall at the moment, that works for inflamations inside the mouth, but it takes away my sensitivity for a while, therefore I can scrub it more without having to suffer ( like in the past). Then I use this greasy product with an alcohol as a main component ( miconazol( you have to know a bit of chemistry to learn this stuff, though)) and keep it in my mouth for a while, although the pain becomes much more intense that way. And then I clean my mouth. There, I take a lot of time to do the whole painful procedure. I heard it's called in spanish cándidas, I thought they where talking of the STD. It really hurts afterwards scrubbing. The fungi has a grayish color, 2 to 3 mm of length. I've only had it on the jaw area, on the exterior part of the gums. Can somebody tell me what it is? Can somebody tell me of another way of treatment, besides going to a dentist? To tell the truth, I have never gone to a dentist when this fungi appears, but it may be a method to take it out. I think I must


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