If only you could see, what I have seen through your eyes . . . |

The real scent of life is what is now happening, what is now around us, what we have become inside the ecosystem we have etched and recreated from long time ago. We understand what is happening when looking at life's impermanence, which can be erased by only waving a hand through sand, which can be observed as delicate and painful. No, life is strong and tough, we must fight against and through it, to have a better present. Past is gone, there is nothing we can do to change it. Past is dead, let it rot in peace. The only thing you have now is the present. The future will become present in due time, just don't sweat it, but still be ready for it.

I am being too idealist, hiding away from my flaws that are exposed to everybody. As I try to push myself too hard, the only thing I am doing is to hurt myself. I try to be more calm, more peaceful, but my inner self is corrupted and is exploding inside. I want to shout, to scream, to insult and to destroy everything, and myself. I am too solitaire, and too far away from what really concerns humanity. Even if I die, it won't matter very much to others. And still, by even thinking this, I become more depressed. The real problem is me, myself and I. I understand that what I am now is what I have left behind in the past, and if I look back, there is not much behind. I am too afraid of others, and too afraid of breaking rutine, I am afraid I might fail and let others down. I don't like to be alone, although I am. I miss that wonderful human warmth within, which gives you peace, which gives you love. I miss it, but I'm too shy.

I know that I am not sending good frequencies right now, my wave energies are modified, and now I must concentrate and focus on the problem. Others might feel my bad energy, so do my amatists, they seem really wierd when I walk near them. Some know how bad I feel, but are not aware of the battle within. It's like this thing inside me fighting to get out, and I don't think it is good. I sense its violence and hate, its heat and desire for revenge. I am afraid it will break loose, and that one day it will destroy everything near me, my friends, my family, my dear ones, myself. Can't you see I am being corrupted inside? Can't you feel the sorrow, the pain, the darkness of being lost inside? I am lost, such a little pebble in the desert of life. Is there anwhere else to go? I don't think so, just here. The only place left to be is where I am now. I can't let evil reign over me, I can't and won't let those corrupted beings control me, and I will stand still before them, unbreakable and unbeatable. If only I could, what a shame.
I walked away from Mana to the battle of my life. So sad I felt as I walked into oblivion, into the reality as it is, deep within me. I am sorry Mana, for me, for all of us. Thank you for making my life so wonderful in the past, and for making me realize of my biggest flaw, my soul and body dominated by my mind. As I fall apart slowly, I know that I can still patch myself up from what I have at reach. Thank you Mana, I still wish to be by your side, always. As I reconsctruct myself, there will be a different reality, and a new life. Thank you everybody for helping me know myself, what an idiot I am sometimes, and what a genius I am when I am in a good mood. Thank you, I love you all.
Thank you, man. You are really there when I mostly need you. Thanks for being a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for being my friend.
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