January 29, 2006

iPods cause deafness: buyers and users to blame | Permalink
It has been recently discovered that iPods, the most important breakthrough in Apple's industry, can cause deafness to users when exposed to frequencies with high amplitude, with high volume. iPods, as announced in seven.com.au, can have their volume raised up to 100 decibels, which is almost as high as a live concert or as near as standing near a jet hitting full throttle (that's about 120).

iPods, somehow, as some rumors around anti-ipod.co.uk say, emit these frequencies that make you become an addict. Maybe, and I have gone through such, there are some very high or very low frequencies we cannot listen that can affect our neural system. It's called neural noise, which makes you feel very sleepy and comfortable, as in meditation. Such noise can give you a stroke and are not recommended for pregnant women. And those frequencies make you feel nice, therefore, you might want to feel good again, hence you become an addict. I don't know if it's even true.

Just one question folks: why do you hear music so loud?! What's wrong with you people?! I know that you might love your music a lot, but hearing it at way too high volumes is a great risk for your health. I mean, 100 dB is way, way to loud, it is a little louder than a jackhammer breaking rocks. Also, don't blame Apple for iPods' short battery life, blame yourself for hearing music too loud for too long, you drain your battery out, my friend! I really suggest you to buy those earphones that go OVER your ears, because they are much more comfortable and have a better quality.

I have observed a main difference between those little itchy earphones the iPods feature with commercialy available normal earphones. Those earphones fit inside your ear, so almost all surrounding sounds become obstructed, and all the sound gets blasted directly into your ear. The sound quality of these earphones is not 100% good, and basses are not completely well heard. Normal earphones are placed around your ear, not in it, and let most of the surrounding sounds fly into your ear. The sound quality of those earphones is excellent and basses are heard at its fullest. Even when you raise your system's volume up to the max, the quality in normal earphones isn't as bad. In small earphones the quality becomes not very good and you run the risk of breaking them.

Do you want to hear your microwave beeping in the distance every morning of your life? Lower the volume of your music, for god's sake!!!


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