January 27, 2006

PostSecret | Permalink
I have gone through a few blogs on Blogger and once found a very unique blog, PostSecret. Sending homemade postcards anonymously, featuring our worst, or best, secrets, is quite a very original idea. I have never seen any website like this one, and I maybe will send a postcard to PostSecret.

Having this website on the net is wonderful, and I maybe will do something like that to my blog too.

There was one postcard that I liked very much: "Life is so much easier when it's pixelated". I sometimes feel that way, man. I should do more stuff outside, I'm too focused into other stuff. Heading and managing this blog isn't quite good for my health. My expiration date will come much more closer if I spend too much time using the computer.

That was all I wanted to tell you. www.postsecret.blogspot.com is a great site. Visit the blog every sunday for new updates. Have a nice day!


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