January 27, 2006

Album in progress . . . composing . . . | Permalink
I will be composing music for the next months, it'll take some time for my album to be developed entirely. Once I make it, I'll try to upload my music on the net, and give thee links to hear them. I will be working, sometimes, with my work companion and friend Francis. He works mainly on lyrics and songs. I'll work entirely on the melody and development of the pieces. For the moment, this picture will be included in our album's booklet. Any suggestions for the album cover will be accepted once this article is posted. Any questions about us or the works will be kindly appreciated and answered.

I will, maybe, feature some house music, along with somebody singing. I will try to add drum and bass, ambient, noise, lounge, breakbeat and hybrid pieces for the new album. I'll try to get at least 17 pieces for the album (if 17 songs fit in a single disc). As well as a few amateur singers I know, I'll sing a song too. I am rusty, so I'll have to practice again.

Anyway, I hope you're having a nice day. If its sunny outside (not wet as here), could you buy me an alcohol burner? I've been thinking of making a tea party at home with some pals of mine, drinking tea heated from my biodiesel (therefore the alcohol burner), playing games and talking about stuff. If this is ever done, I'll show you some pictures, modified pictures, to make them look good. How about low resolution pictures? I'd like to make a low resolution- digital fotography album in this site. Won't it be great?

Have fun! And remember to run some anti-virus and spyware checks periodically.


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