All belongs to you, you belong to all |

Humanity has a single element that differences it from other species, a rational mind. It is possibly the most powerful thing we have, possibly the toughest weapon. Our mind can change the reality we percieve, what we think of it and how we react before it. Religion and faith manage our reality to percieve it as if holy and sacred. We can think as reality as harsh and troublesome. We can think as reality as simple and easy. We can think that reality is complex and hard. It all depends on how we think of a situation. Our mind affects nature and nat

Grasshoppers, thousands of them, chirp almost all night long. If you had enough equipment and knoledge, you could be able to modify high and low frequencies that those grasshoppers emit to a human-hearable level. The result is a choir-like sound. Along with the chirping, the air is condensed with this hum, which sings in melody. The sound is very wierd, but quite wonderful. You can even make music out of it! Life and matter vibrates and pops in and out of existance, which gives us an expire date, we are impermanent, as so are all living beings, planets, suns, galaxies. I will all soon return to nothing. Sound, movement, matter, love and life are energy emitted by these vibrations that tell us that we exist. Those vibrations can be felt by our instincts and open mind and heart. We can feel first love fever because our molecules and cells have more movement, which will emit energy and matter, which will sort of be pheromones, heat and stuff.
Music is also energy, it only moves matter to form sound, it moves the air. Mozart's and Bach's masterpieces are soothing for listeners, because those expertly composed pieces play around with nature to create those effects: inner peace, joy, comfort, to the listener. Heavy metal is like having somebody hammering on your head, because it plays with nature to create negative moods on the listener. Music is used for meditation, and high and low frequecy sounds make your forehead vibrate pleasantly. Music is also used for therapy: musicotherapy, to change the person's attitude or mood. It has been discovered, strangely, that these vibrations, coming from music, feelings or words, modifies the form and structure of water crystals, as Mr. Emoto says.
Nature is modified depending on what we think, what we emit, and what music we hear! As we can control nature with our mind, it all belongs to us. But, as we are little species overpopulating our little sand particle in the middle of the darkness of the universe, we belong to everything. Isn't that nice?
Oh, those pictures where taken from the Hubble Telescope.
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