January 01, 2006

Newborn year, 2006, el cambio del ciclo | Permalink
The seconds, the times and moments of Newoz y Newoz te dan los mejores deseos de amor y felicidad para el nuevo año entrante.

Consider this, 2006 is the year in which the life cycles depicted by the mayans will restart. This will be a very religious and spiritual year!!

2005 has passed away. It was such a great year, a wonderful moment, efímero. 2005 was the year of complementation, now, 2006 is the year of spiritual perfection. All must work and live to broaden their spirit, to reach to complementation too.

I want to thank the following for complementing my spirit and soul last year, 2005: Mana, Francis, Chebs, Betenix, BLópez, Giv., Glober, Monty, Newoz, Mom, Dad, Malakaras.

I love you all and wish with love and warmth a great new year for all of you.
Thank you.
Happy new year!


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