August 22, 2005

Sophomores! Welcome back! | Permalink
Today millions of students have officially begun their new school year. This time, I have evolved from the freshmen to the sophomore. It is very comforting, yet mentally disturbing, to see ourselves above from the previous classrooms we worked in from our new classrooms, which are on a second floor. It is strange to see the school from this perspective, watching little people become students in junior high. I see the freshmen and those who are down there. I feel pity for them, but the feeling reflects upon myself. I feel aged, very old and advanced, sophisticated. I think of myself as over filled with obligations and stress, with a pile of responsibilities which I have to carry around and take care of. I know that when I become older the pile will become so enourmous that it would even split the heavens into 2 (that is a metaphore). But, as my mature aspect and responsibility broadens, I will learn to manage them better. You shall not stop your destiny. Forge strong pillars that will support the stairs to your objective.

It has been raining for almost 4 days now. Look at the weather in the map. The purple and darker colors are colder spots than normal, which means clouds and rain, and cold weather, of course. The fact is, it hasn't stopped raining! It has paused, to be more specific, and then it started again!! Rain has affected many areas in the country. In Oaxaca, a sudden storm killed some and left some lost, and homeless. Is it global warming? Is it because Tlaloc got angry with us and sent us too much water? Or is it because the heavens are crying?


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