Podcasting on PlayStation Portable systems? |

Although you can only stream the podcasts through the RSS Channel, you can still tune to podcasts through the simple, manual, way: downloading podcasts from feeds into your PSP.
There is a way to do that. Simply by downloading the files and place them in your MUSIC\ folder. -_-
Now, if you want to get the podcasts automatically on your PSP once you plug it in your Central Processing Unit, or your computer, there are some methods.
Firstly, you can download iPSP, if you have iTunes installed, and do get them fast to your PSP. If you don't have iTunes, and won't consider downloading it in a short term of time, you can download Shuffle, a program which can help you transfer files to your MUSIC folder once you plug the PSP in. If you want to record internet radio and add them to your PSP, you can install Screamer Radio. If you want to record streams coming from Winzip, you can install the Stream Ripper add-on for Winzip.
The PSP may work for podcasting, but because it lacks its immediate-transfer options or because of the iPod-oriented podcasts, or because its new firmware update is taking years (having PSP-gamers hope for a better file and internet compatibility (and writable UMDs!!!!(if only it were possible))), actions must be taken to counter this situation. This post is only for information purposes, and does not function as an instruction manual, so I really invite you to investigate, do a Google search, of Podcasting for PSP. There is a lot of information out there. Go on buddy!
Anyway, PSPs are still in the making. SONY must ask its customers first before doing things like the "UNIVERSAL" media discs, which aren't that universal. There are no blank UMDs and no UMD burners, because SONY wants to get all the money of the goods it ships. I bet it doesn't want to suffer as much as it did with the grey and the black boxes (PSOne, PS2), fighting against piracy. Piracy is really bad for SONY, because they are really putting an effort on doing great apps, but there is always something that stands either on SONY's or the customer's way. Keep it up SONY, but think twice before doing things such as the UMD. Let's hope this doesn't happen with the PS3, let's hope.
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