April 01, 2006

Thanks | Permalink
It sometimes hurts to live. But pain exists alongside life, and they cannot be taken apart. Humans are so wonderful beings, and yet so destructive. I would like to thank those who have enlightened my heart and have set up challenges before me to make the person I am today:

Mana, Chocoman, CVS, Orlando, Mom, Dad, Coreano, Kim, my dear sister, Kero, Montse & Mich, QFB MOR, Zavala, Rei, Forín, NetGuide Mag., and many more. . .

Thank you for helping me live what I could have probably haven't experienced, if it where'nt for you guys.

Still, but without excluding, I have to thank myself for setting up this blog. I will change its design once I have enough time to do so. And the CD Art project will also be presented in due time, which is soon. It will also be available for www.instructables.com , once I compress the images enough.

And finally, thank you for reading.


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