April 01, 2006

The 2004th year of the lord | Permalink
The following lines are a few sentences I found interesting and funny in a diary in which I wrote a lot 2 years ago.

Si no fueras hombre te llegaría.

Post written on October 17th, 2004 (modified version due to privacy measures)

I went to eat at Plaza. There's been a lot of construction lately. I suddenly came across a friend of mine, but nothing significant happened later. A few minutes later I went to buy some dog food at a new store nearby, and another friend of mine appeared. It was Mana.

A: "Ha, it's just her."
B: "WTF?! Run! She's gonna beat you up. Get the hell out of the building!"

C: "Oh god! She's beautiful!"

I gave in to fear.


-"Obviously she is still in love with (censored)
. Have mercy over (censored) for his sins."

---End of thoughts---

----End of post----

Post written on October 20th, 2004

Debo ayudar a Mana.

Va a entregarle a (censored) un texto muy largo.
No sabe qué decirle.

-"Déjame pensar . . . "

Yo no sé qué haría, principalmente, porque nunca me he enamorado como ellos dos.

Pobre. Si le sucede algo feo a (censored), ella se deprimirá mucho más.

-"Qué triste es la vida para ella."

C: "Primero porque ella decidió su vida, quizás no logró observar las consecuencias al elegir."

-"Sí. Si estuviera Mana cerca en el momento en que conocí la verdad, la abrazaría fuertemente."

C: "Emites lenguaje no verbal, indicas que le importas, mucho."


---Fin de pensamientos---

End of post----

"Have mercy upon the ignorant pervert adolescents"

W, November 17th, 2004

Year 2004 and 2005 where my favorite years, they where sweet. Too bad time travel is unexistent. I'd go back and live it again. But I am so sad! God! I live too much in the past, I'll become mad sooner or later, or maybe I already am. I miss being in love, it's so cold to know that since Mana, I have reactivated my AT Field again, into my own coccoon. I know I won't fall in love again until something happens, I am so lonely, god. Suicidal thoughts are back again. You know, at this time, my death would be almost unoticed. It will hit close family members, but it won't be anything within the little piece of sand our world is. My body would go back to its origin, the Earth, but my soul will become entangled into an infinite trial of pain and sadness. If I commit suicide, I won't be redeemed. Death is not the greatest form of liberty, and it will only be joyful if it isn't self-inflicted. But I sometimes wish I where dead.

Still, I can't give in to suicide, I have gone all the way up to this point, and I won't give away all the things I have done just for this. Life is the most precious gift everybody has. You are given a chance to observe this wonder God him/herself has etched over the blackness of space, life. We are humans, considered rational beings, but sometimes animals are even more rational than we are, and more considerate. The WTC attacks and the Iraq war where just a set up by the U.S. Government, all masterpieces of the American scums high political democrats have become. We should have pity for America, possibly the worst place to live in. The only place considered as the best is where a human soul has never walked upon, and because the environmental, social and political situations in the U.S. are going bad (slowly), bad things happen. Consider hurricane Katrina as a warning coming from the Earth's core. You fellow americans have been polluting Earth for decades, and now your pollution is going above Africa and Australia, making holes in the ozone layer and heating up the environment. And hurricane Katrina is possibly one the first warnings Earth will send to us. Earth is a living being, too. Show respect. We also pollute, but because of our own ignorance. May God have mercy upon mankind for his sins.

We beg your pardons.

Therefore, as man can make horrible things to himself, is man rational? Or are we getting into an inverted field called as insanity? Man is a delicate biological structure, and surrounding situations may disturb it. But, this does not mean that mind is the first one to suffer the most. Not exactly. Human mind is another of God's masterpieces. And it is built to be tough, but flexible. A person must learn how to use his/her mind correctly, as it is the best weapon ever made, and probably the best bio-computer ever made. It is sad to know that there are madmen all over the planet, today's world is demanding and dangerous, and we must be careful with it.

I can say a lot more, but it'll go on and on. I am sorry for waisting your time. I am, really. I am ashamed.



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