April 02, 2006

Oh, I am an anti-valentine too | Permalink
Oh god. Valentine's day. I think I should have posted this a few days before Valentine's day.

I really detest that day, I feel extremely uncomfortable. Why should we show to the ones we love that we really love them that day, when we can do that every day or once a week? Valentine's day is mostly consumist-oriented: if you try to buy any chocolates or roses, you'll have to pay a lot of money, which is very likely to disturb your personal economy. There are a few Anti-Valentine sites, such as http://www.meish.org/vd/, where you can send Anti-Valentine cards.

Why do I hate Valentine's day? Well, it's quite simple. First off, I currently have no girlfriend (unfortunately). On that day you MUST have someone to be with, and give that person a gift, otherwise you will be rejected and dubbed as a loser. Society really detest those that don't have a girl/boyfriend, especially that day. Chocolates, roses, etc. become more and more expensive by the second. Still, stores run out of stock and clerks look with joy at the numbers summing up in their income.

If I had a girlfriend, I would buy her something small, or something that won't hurt my tiny, fragile economy :( . Love isn't formed with how many things you give to the person you love, but with how much time you spend with him/her and how many things you do together. The complementation of humanity is not to be played with, it is a serious thing and has incredible effects on matter and reality. Love, in its simplest form, is a feeling, which can move mountains and cross entire oceans, and the best form of positive energy. The energy you emit from your body, and the substances your hipothalmus, in the center core of your brain, generate waves that create a positive feeling over your surroundings. And that's how you can change reality, but from your own field of view.

Love is one of the only things that isolate humans from other animals, making him a superior being. Not exactly, both animals and us have feelings and emit energy waves, but the type of substances we generate make the difference.

I would really like to fall in love again. Man, I'm so lonely.


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