October 01, 2005

Web update | Permalink
As I have observed in the previous weeks, there has been no response from you.
I may be somehow uncomfortable with this situation, but there is little that I can do.

A major update will take place on October 2, which is tomorrow. The blog will have its template changed, the MP3 player will maybe become modified too. There will be a background color. More photos will be added, many more, like a gallery. I will also write many of my adventures, some bizarre or funny. The font may also change. I will change my favorite links section too, I think it looks very unappropiate, and may need to take some banners away. I may also change the Link images on the sidebar. And if possible, I'll change the sidebar's position. In the bottom part of the blog I will add a section for Newoz, the DJ artist.

If there is something you may want to add, comment as soon as possible.

OK, espero su colaboración y su apoyo. Nos vemos mañana!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of mutual masturbation
I have believed in web-based desktop applications since their earliest days and have an equal interest in their counterpart, the online service world.
I think you'll be interested in this related article at: tattoo It pretty much covers tattoo related stuff. Check it out if you get time.

8:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is better few good responses than 100 bad ones. Be patient.

8:45 pm  

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