October 04, 2005

Stan | Permalink

I recieved a telephone call from somebody that belongs to the nation's education sector. I was reported that the following day, which is today, all classes will be canceled due to a hurricane approaching our state, as emergency procedures.

Stan, a level 1 hurricane is right above us. All educational events will be canceled from the north to the south of the state. I am angry about it. I was supposed to have a music exam today, and I was about to have a wonderful chemistry laboratory session. And I had more stuff to do. Oh, this is terrible!!

Oh, well. At least I've got time to do some other stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how, just how ?!, its actually a real boy, ho wants to go to school ??????, hey man whats on your freaken head ! OMG ! are you on drugs ?, hey there are only few reasons for going to school
1.- To see the girl you like
2.- to have sports
3.- to have fun of the teachers
4.- mmmmm i think there is no 4

Hey Dany! wake up, get your head smashed or something ! school sucks !!!!!!!

atte: paco

11:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unemployment sucks more for the uneducated. School is a better chance for food in the future.

8:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls prefer a food provider than a starving loser!

8:42 pm  
Blogger Newoz said...

Thanks for backing me up. That was just what I needed.

7:23 pm  

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