August 07, 2006

Initiating はいいろ Project | Permalink
I came up with the はいいろ (Ha-ii-ro) Project a few weeks ago, mainly just because I wanted to give the blog a new feeling (another purpose, maybe?).

The はいいろ (gray for japanese) Project will be focused on photography I take around the area, adding any opinion, comment or feeling regarding the pics I display. The low resolution gallery on the right sidebar will maybe become limited only to specific shots, such as those taken only by the GameBoy Camera.

And, if possible, I will change the template to suit the はいいろ Project. Therefore, the main colour of the template will be, of course, gray. It'll take a while to find the correct template.

Well then, see you around! I'll soon make a post about's famous drama, Densha Otoko.

I'll be on meanwhile.


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